Monday, January 05, 2015

Last Day of Winter Break

Dear Friends and Family,

It's the last day of winter break. Mr. mouse heads back to work today. P heads back to school tomorrow. And, then, I can catch up on Downton Abbey. Just kidding. Then, I can return to my routine. There's a lot of things I want to work on in 2014. I mean 2015.

I feel like my to do list is under control. So, I'll definitely work on keeping it under control. I feel like my budget is under control. So, I'll definitely work on keeping it under control. And, I'm excited about the progress I've made on the house the past four days. Under the aspiration of turning my house into a bed and breakfast, or really more an airbnb, I've been working on getting the place in order. Just to be clear, I don't ever intend on renting the place out, I'd just like for the place to be able to be rented out. Then, I feel like I'd enjoy it more. It'd be like getting to stay at someone else's place, only for free. It'd be an endless, free staycation. And, that, my friends, sounds marvelous.

There's a blog I read that always inspired me to work on the house. The writer had gone on hiatus for over a year and I despaired of ever seeing her posts again. Then, she wrote yesterday. And, I leaped to read her post. It turns out her mother has dementia and she's been battling cancer. Yes, while I've been going through what seemed like major events in my life - adjusting to my new role as entrepreneur, learning to live on one paycheck, getting over old work, enjoying my time with P, and trying to get life under control - she's been struggling with the very basic fight to live.

And, that's reminded me of a very important lesson. Life's too short to be unhappy. Yes, there's the need to defer rewards. Yes, there's the need to take care of the chores while enjoying the cheers. But, that doesn't mean you need to be unhappy. I feel like I spent a lot of last year unhappy. First, I was unhappy with both old work and with new work. Then, I was unhappy with my transition from old work. I was happy over the summer. But, then, I was unhappy again in the fall with new work and with life in general. I kept thinking happiness was an end goal, that once I whacked a certain number of moles back into their holes, I'd be happy. But, I don't think it works that way. Life's still going to feel like a game of whack a mole. But, happiness is learning to like playing whack a mole. The moles never stop popping up, so I've got to learn to be happy playing, not looking for a goal that I may never attain.

So, I guess my new year's resolution is to focus on being happy, truly happy, on the inside happy. I don't think people, in general, know when I'm unhappy. So, I don't think anyone will notice a difference. But, that's okay. The one person who will notice is me, and that's all that matters.

So, I'll continue to do the things I'm doing. But, I'll really focus on enjoying the journey instead of only focusing on the end result. Here's to a wonderful 2015.


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