It was a long time in the making. This past weekend was our first truly free weekend since we decided to sell the mouse ranch in the spring of 2005. It felt almost decadent just doing the stuff normal people take for granted on the weekend.
Friday, I decided to work downtown. We have a small satellite office downtown. A colleague offered an opportunity to work downtown with him on Friday if I wanted to give it a try. Yes! Yes! Yes! If I could work downtown all the time, I would. In a heart beat. Mr. mouse pointed out I can do whatever I want, come two years. In the meantime, I think I'll become a regular on those days I don't have any meetings.
After work, I headed over to the Chiasso warehouse sale. Lots of fun things to be had at decent prices, if you poke around. I felt so city mouse taking the train down to the warehouse sale and then taking the train home.

Friday night, we met a group of colleagues for drinks at a bar downtown. Then, around midnight, Mr. mouse and I went to a second bar to grab some dinner. A short cab ride later, and we were home for the night.
Saturday, we slept in until close to noon. Then, we dropped off the fridge at the post office to return to Amazon. And, we headed down to the warehouse sale for one more look. Since we had the car, we bought a couple of larger pieces - a rug and a screen Mr. mouse has had his eye on for some time.

A quick trip to Whole Foods and to Target rounded out the day. No better time to run errands than on a Saturday night. Parking's easy and the stores are empty.
Sunday, we made some serious progress on the list. We hit Best Buy to drop off a printer cartridge for recycling. Then, it was off to Bed Bath and Beyond with a 20% off coupon good towards the table we bought last weekend. Ikea was next on the list - new knobs for the kitchen. Then Target, to pick up more odds and ends. Lowe's for some ant bait. And, H-Mart, a Korea supermarket to see their food selection. Mad dash home, and we capped off the evening watching the Grammy's.
List update? 24 items done out of 152. I won't bore you with the details of the 20 items we crossed off over the weekend, but, rest assured. It feels good to have fewer things hanging over our heads.
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