Dear Friends and Family,
Mr. mouse brought his computer with him. So, I’ll be able to write each day even if I can’t post each day. I’ll be using the same format as last time.
What We Did
Friday was tough. I stayed up Thursday night to finish a bunch of work before vacation which meant I headed into work on 45 minutes sleep. The morning was fine, but by the afternoon I was a puddle. I left for the airport around 4:30 and was too tired and too hungry to be excited about anything.
We got first class on the first leg of our trip. I watched Spiderman 3 while we ate dinner. And, I crashed after dinner and slept like a baby through the rest of the flight. We landed in Europe Saturday morning. And, found a spot to rest during our layover.
I slept while Mr. mouse looked up options for our second leg. Our first option filled up so we ended up buying tickets on Turkish Air to Istanbul for €200 each, not much more than our original planned itinerary. We landed in Istanbul close to midnight and got to the hotel about an hour after that. We spent a couple of hours planning out the next three days and watching qualifying for F1 before turning in for the night.
What We Ate

For dinner, it was warm nuts and champagne; followed by crab cake and shredded chicken with toasted cashew salad and sour cucumbers with a whole wheat roll; followed by bacon, cheddar, potato soup; followed by salad; followed by roast duck confit with rice; and last but not least, a hot fudge sundae.
At the airport, we stocked up on snacks (fruit, pretzels, cured meats and chocolate) and caught a quick meal of assorted sausages with mustard. And, when we arrived in Istanbul, I snacked on some fresh fruit the hotel provided.
What I Learned
Essential Phrases
hello: merhaba, mer∙ha∙ba
please: lütfen, lewt∙fen
thank you: teşekkür, te∙shek∙kewr
yes: evet, e∙vet
no: hayir, ha∙yuhr
Mr. mouse brought his computer with him. So, I’ll be able to write each day even if I can’t post each day. I’ll be using the same format as last time.
What We Did
Friday was tough. I stayed up Thursday night to finish a bunch of work before vacation which meant I headed into work on 45 minutes sleep. The morning was fine, but by the afternoon I was a puddle. I left for the airport around 4:30 and was too tired and too hungry to be excited about anything.
We got first class on the first leg of our trip. I watched Spiderman 3 while we ate dinner. And, I crashed after dinner and slept like a baby through the rest of the flight. We landed in Europe Saturday morning. And, found a spot to rest during our layover.
I slept while Mr. mouse looked up options for our second leg. Our first option filled up so we ended up buying tickets on Turkish Air to Istanbul for €200 each, not much more than our original planned itinerary. We landed in Istanbul close to midnight and got to the hotel about an hour after that. We spent a couple of hours planning out the next three days and watching qualifying for F1 before turning in for the night.
What We Ate
For dinner, it was warm nuts and champagne; followed by crab cake and shredded chicken with toasted cashew salad and sour cucumbers with a whole wheat roll; followed by bacon, cheddar, potato soup; followed by salad; followed by roast duck confit with rice; and last but not least, a hot fudge sundae.
At the airport, we stocked up on snacks (fruit, pretzels, cured meats and chocolate) and caught a quick meal of assorted sausages with mustard. And, when we arrived in Istanbul, I snacked on some fresh fruit the hotel provided.
What I Learned
Essential Phrases
hello: merhaba, mer∙ha∙ba
please: lütfen, lewt∙fen
thank you: teşekkür, te∙shek∙kewr
yes: evet, e∙vet
no: hayir, ha∙yuhr
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