Dear Friends and Family,
The weather turned out to be absolutely perfect on Friday. I couldn't risk not enjoying the last days of summer, so I traded my Friday for Saturday. I changed into my swimsuit and did some major vitamin D therapy (aka sunbathing) on the deck in my hammock. Life is so good. I made some major strides on the farmer's tan I've been sporting all summer.
Then, Friday night, Mr. mouse wanted to go buy a new hard drive for his computer. We went to Fry's, but it turns out they don't match pricing online and in store. WTF?!?! Are we not in 2007? Anyone? Seriously, was disappointed and pissed since it involved a long drive to a lost suburb to look for the drive. Well, we were walking the rest of the store since we didn't want to hop back in the car for the return drive and saw... a pile of Wiis.
Mr. mouse has been eyeing the Wii since it launched. And, I told him he could get it if he agreed to swap it out for the aging PS2 in our guest room. We bought it. And, I have to confess, I love it.
Saturday dawned bright and early. And, since I played all day on Friday, there was a piper waiting to be paid on Saturday. We had breakfast. Then, Mr. mouse ran errands while I did work. We went to Best Buy looking for a different hard drive solution, but alas came away empty handed. I did watch the ENTIRE Thriller video on the ipod while we were there. Wow, that was a long, and ground breaking, video. I had forgotten.
Sunday, we needed to get the house ready. My friend, Friend, was coming in town. She has an interview today with a group at my work. So, we picked her up at the airport, went for conveyor belt sushi, took the train home, picked up some doggy treats, relaxed on the deck, and, went over to a friend's house for dinner.
One of my colleague's from work invited us over for dinner last night. Turns out her husband is quite the chef. He's training at The Cooking and Hospitality Institute of Chicago in the Le Cordon Bleu Program. The food was amazing. But, more importantly, the company was great. We had a chance to relax and laugh and enjoy ourselves. It was eight of us. And, the weather was perfect. We went out on their deck and opened the wine and, oh, I needed the break. I think when I get stuck in a routine I go a little batty.
Well, Friend is interviewing today. So, I've got my fingers triple crossed.
The weather turned out to be absolutely perfect on Friday. I couldn't risk not enjoying the last days of summer, so I traded my Friday for Saturday. I changed into my swimsuit and did some major vitamin D therapy (aka sunbathing) on the deck in my hammock. Life is so good. I made some major strides on the farmer's tan I've been sporting all summer.
Then, Friday night, Mr. mouse wanted to go buy a new hard drive for his computer. We went to Fry's, but it turns out they don't match pricing online and in store. WTF?!?! Are we not in 2007? Anyone? Seriously, was disappointed and pissed since it involved a long drive to a lost suburb to look for the drive. Well, we were walking the rest of the store since we didn't want to hop back in the car for the return drive and saw... a pile of Wiis.

Saturday dawned bright and early. And, since I played all day on Friday, there was a piper waiting to be paid on Saturday. We had breakfast. Then, Mr. mouse ran errands while I did work. We went to Best Buy looking for a different hard drive solution, but alas came away empty handed. I did watch the ENTIRE Thriller video on the ipod while we were there. Wow, that was a long, and ground breaking, video. I had forgotten.
Sunday, we needed to get the house ready. My friend, Friend, was coming in town. She has an interview today with a group at my work. So, we picked her up at the airport, went for conveyor belt sushi, took the train home, picked up some doggy treats, relaxed on the deck, and, went over to a friend's house for dinner.
One of my colleague's from work invited us over for dinner last night. Turns out her husband is quite the chef. He's training at The Cooking and Hospitality Institute of Chicago in the Le Cordon Bleu Program. The food was amazing. But, more importantly, the company was great. We had a chance to relax and laugh and enjoy ourselves. It was eight of us. And, the weather was perfect. We went out on their deck and opened the wine and, oh, I needed the break. I think when I get stuck in a routine I go a little batty.
Well, Friend is interviewing today. So, I've got my fingers triple crossed.
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