Wednesday, July 23, 2008

First Harvest

Dear Friends and Family,

We had our first harvest of rooftop vegetables. We had picked one banana pepper and one unfertilized, half grown zucchini before. So, I guess, technically, that was our first harvest. But, yesterday, we decided to pick several (four) peppers from our banana pepper plant. And, walking down with the four peppers, it felt like a harvest.

We stir fried one pepper last night with some chicken thighs and some basil from our basil plant. It felt good and tasted delicious.

Status on the other plants? There are three zucchini growing on the zucchini plants. I attempted to pollinate all three of them. We'll see if they continue to grow green or if they shrivel and turn yellow like the prior ones. There's one gorgeous tomato on the tomato plants. I may pick it soon and enjoy the first tomato of the season. There's several additional ones ripening. We may have a tomato "harvest" in the near future. And, on the cantaloupe front, there's a cantaloupe forming on one of the vines. I'm so excited. It would be beyond cool if I got a cantaloupe.

The peppers are doing well. We still have several banana peppers growing. And, a handful of jalapeños are growing. And, we have a couple of cayenne peppers. Our basil is still huge. I've become a little more courageous about pruning to keep it from getting out of control. The cilantro never recovered from the weekend we were out in the Twin Cities. It really needs to be removed. We have more seeds we can plant. And, the rosemary. Well, I guess there's no harm in leaving it on the roof, but it's all brown and there's really no signs of life on it. Maybe it was too far gone by the time we did the transplant from B's deck to ours.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

awww - poor rosemary. sorry to hear that...everything else sounds wonderful though...yea farmer mouse! xoxox