Tuesday, August 23, 2011

08.23.11: Weekly Weigh In

Dear Friends and Family,

weigh in: 140.4

A loss is a loss is a loss and one I'm not complaining given that I had cake before heading to the game, kettle corn at the game and wine with the neighbors after the game. Sunday, I got to indulge in my love of thin crust pizza. Given all that a couple of days before weigh-in, I'll take a 0.2 pound loss.

I have to admit, I've fallen in love with a new service they offer at work. It's a concierge service, but without any service fees. There is a minimum purchase requirement of $20 for which they do your "shopping" for you. Yesterday, I got my Diet Cokes, a couple of Lean Cuisines, paper towels, dried blueberries, diapers and P's crackers all boxed up and dropped off at my desk. I don't use it for fresh foods (remember, I need to cross oceans to get home from work), but it does reduce the temptations, having someone buy exactly what you need. Plus, it saves time and money. See why I've fallen in love?


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