Friday, December 16, 2011

The Toddler Christmas List

Dear Friends and Family,

In the spirit of keeping my sanity, I decided P did not need me to buy her a little bit of everything. Yes, I could make a VERY long list, patiently browse all of the sites, buy a combination of things that make me feel like I too can climb Mount Everest. And, then, do the crazy package tracking. All, in the spirit of what?

Instead, P is going to get a simplified list of things...
  1. two books
  2. paint plus paint brush set
  3. a couple of small pieces for her Duplo collection
  4. one board game
  5. one set of ribbons to wave while dancing
  1. three pajamas (she's outgrown her current)
  2. two pairs of pants (see above)
  3. two tops
  4. one snowsuit (also outgrown)
Still a mountain of boxes to wrap and unwrap, but within the bounds of sanity compared to the exercise I went through last Christmas and for her birthday.


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