Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Transition: Day 1

Dear Friends and Family,

P's first day in preschool transition went well.

Her teacher took her across the hall and dropped her off in the new room. She spent a couple of hours there between breakfast and lunch. Today, she goes for a little longer, leaving her current room after breakfast and staying in the new room until after lunch.

All of the teachers said she had a good day. Mr. mouse called. I called. I stopped by when picking her up. Helicopters at work.

One telling sign, P didn't run into the new room when I went to see the teacher at pick up. It still reminds me of her infant transition.

She seemed complacent enough. But, one afternoon when she came back she was quiet and thoughtful. And, when her teacher approached her she picked up a lion and roared and started laughing.

P is like me. Change is always a little scary and having a place that is comfortable and familiar is a good thing.

She said the kids aren't as noisy in the new room, but are equally "rough" compared to her current room. We'll see. I think they're a lot less rough.

Happy Tuesday!


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