Dear Friends and Family,
Sometimes events happen and in isolation they don't amount to anything more than one of a million and one things that can happen to you on any given day. And, other times, they build to something more. I had one of those moments.
First, there was an article I read and a line near the bottom that said God is experienced in family and community. This is a central tenet of Buddhism, but I had never applied it to Catholicism.
Second, there was a discussion with a friend, about Mormonism. I told him I actually agree with a lot of the teachings on lifestyle (like you should have an adequate amount of savings), but I don't buy into the theology. And, he pointed out that it's because I'm objective driven.
Third, I went to mass this weekend. Originally because P is applying to a school and I told the Admissions counselor that I am open to attending mass and seeing if there is a fit. Masses I remember were stuffy affairs in dark churches full of incense and theology. But, I went. And, I enjoyed it. The homily focused on asking what are we searching for. And, that's a question I can ponder for a long time in a good way.
I think, I enjoyed it enough to go back next Sunday and give it a second try. I'm still not interested in the theology of it. I'm not going to try and convert Mr. mouse or P. I'm not going to change my beliefs on marriage equality. But, I am open to the idea of improving my lifestyle and I do believe much of what I seek is seen through interactions with family and community. Perhaps I'll find something I didn't expect.
We'll see where this leads.
The rest of the weekend? We took down the tree decorations. I helped a friend with business school applications. And, that was the weekend, as far as I can recall.
Sometimes events happen and in isolation they don't amount to anything more than one of a million and one things that can happen to you on any given day. And, other times, they build to something more. I had one of those moments.
First, there was an article I read and a line near the bottom that said God is experienced in family and community. This is a central tenet of Buddhism, but I had never applied it to Catholicism.
Second, there was a discussion with a friend, about Mormonism. I told him I actually agree with a lot of the teachings on lifestyle (like you should have an adequate amount of savings), but I don't buy into the theology. And, he pointed out that it's because I'm objective driven.
Third, I went to mass this weekend. Originally because P is applying to a school and I told the Admissions counselor that I am open to attending mass and seeing if there is a fit. Masses I remember were stuffy affairs in dark churches full of incense and theology. But, I went. And, I enjoyed it. The homily focused on asking what are we searching for. And, that's a question I can ponder for a long time in a good way.
I think, I enjoyed it enough to go back next Sunday and give it a second try. I'm still not interested in the theology of it. I'm not going to try and convert Mr. mouse or P. I'm not going to change my beliefs on marriage equality. But, I am open to the idea of improving my lifestyle and I do believe much of what I seek is seen through interactions with family and community. Perhaps I'll find something I didn't expect.
We'll see where this leads.
The rest of the weekend? We took down the tree decorations. I helped a friend with business school applications. And, that was the weekend, as far as I can recall.
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