Wednesday, August 07, 2013


Dear Friends and Family,

I had a most wonderful evening last night. Mr. mouse took me to the ballgame to see my favorite team play. The weather was perfect. P made it through the evening. And, although my favorite team lost, it was an exciting game which is all you can ever ask for. I even almost saw my favorite player play.

Days like yesterday make being tired the next morning worth it.

I need to get through more errands today. I need to drop off the last of the teacher gifts. And, we need to pick up mail. Hopefully the back pack I ordered for P is the right size for her for school this fall. That, and we're expecting another Egypt book because my mom goobered the one we brought home to show her. I swear, my family can be so careless with things. I know material things are only things and it's not worth getting upset over. But, they're notoriously careless and so they end up wasting money constantly replacing things. Thankfully, we seem to be able to take care of things in the mouse pad.

And, today is Hump Day. If I can make it through today the week will seem that much shorter tomorrow.


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