Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Cautiously Optimistic

Dear Friends and Family,

It's Tuesday. And, I'm cautiously optimistic.

I'm really making progress on my to do list. I really am. And, that makes me feel a little more happy and a little more relaxed.

I think, this week, I will hang a growth chart Mr. mouse and I bought for P. She's had it since she's two. And, for the past two years it's been in the hallway outside of P's room. We bring it into her room to measure her. We bring it into the hallway when we're done and lean it against the wall outside of her room. Again.

In a perfect world, we'd hang it in P's room and she'd be measured against it while it's hanging on the wall. But, we don't live in a perfect world. That would imply the spot to display her growth chart and the spot to measure her would be the same spot. It would also imply I was willing to trim away the baseboard to ensure her growth chart hung straight. It would also imply the hooks they gave us were flush to the growth chart.

See why we've been procrastinating on this for two years?

Well, this week, I will tackle this. That'll be one more thing to cross off the to do list.

Oh, and I have my second meet and greet with a potential employee for my future idea. This is really happening, people.


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