Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Big Kid Now

Dear Friends and Family,

P did something for the first time yesterday. She came down by herself to play.

Now, keep in mind, P doesn't have many opportunities to wake either of us. We're up before her in the morning. Mr. mouse is up while she naps on the weekends. And, generally, Mr. mouse gets home before she wakes from her nap on the weekdays. So, there's not many opportunities for P to find herself awake alone.

But, yesterday afternoon she did. And, she decided she wanted to be alone. So, she went downstairs, turned on the light, and was reading a book when Mr. mouse got home.

I feel like we've entered a new phase in our lives. P can be wandering around the house unattended. On the one hand I'm proud of her independence. On the other hand, I'm considering putting up the baby gates again.


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