Friday, December 20, 2013

Oh. Oh. I Know.

Dear Friends and Family,

It's so silly, the things I can get excited about. I just realized, I can bring a book that P borrowed with me today when I go to school, and return it to the friend we borrowed it from. If I succeed, that'll be one more thing crossed off of the list. That'll leave two things on my list:
  1. summer camp
  2. preliminary layout
on my "the nows" list. I can, for the record, say that my list has never been that short in my entire life. But, wait, I shouldn't get ahead of myself. I still need to complete the four things on my list.
  1. recommendation (today)
  2. transfer 3 photos to iphoto (today)
  3. Christmas presents (weekend)
  4. Christmas cards (weekend)
Then, I'll be down to two, if you don't count setting up two dinner dates. Well, anyway, it's never been that short in my entire life. Maybe it was back when I was single and living alone. But not anytime in the last 15 years. Wow.

Last night, we had a ton of fun visiting a friend's house. Let's call him The Entomologist and her The Entomologist's Wife. As you can guess, he collects bugs. P asked if she could see his bug collection and he did a great job of engaging her. He did a brief lesson first. Then, he showed her how he collects bugs, and preserves bugs, and pins bugs, and categorizes bugs, and ultimately studies bugs. She saw some bugs under a microscope. And, he showed her all sorts of larger bugs from some of his travels. I learned a ton as well.

Time to get ready for the day.


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