Monday, June 19, 2006

The Fight for Mouse's Soul

Dear Friends and Family,

First off, keep your fingers crossed. IF things go well this week, the mouse house could be on the market before the weekend. How exciting! It's a love-love thing with this house. I love it. I'd love to sell it.

Second, I got a phone call from a company interested in my wares. They're not located here, so I'd have to relocate. But, they're located by the mouse pad, so relocating is a good thing. Here's the rub, I had a bad interview experience with them in '99. They asked me my marital status and how Mr. mouse would feel about moving. I was like... HUH?!?!

Recognizing that they're a big company and that it's been seven years since I've spoken with them, I was approaching it with an open mind. I was excited. Then, Mr. mouse pointed out that they're hardly a "small" company. I've professed to want to move on to a smaller company, not a larger one. And, this one is Fortune 10, so hardly a step in the right direction.

Well, on my phone call with the recruiter, she wanted me to change my resume from a one pager to a four pager. I cringe at the concept on principle. And, frankly, I feel like I have more important things going on right now. But, there's a part of me that looks at this as a potential opportunity to get with Mr. mouse sooner rather than later.

Plus, to be greedy, they would pay for the sale of mouse house. And, money is a powerful motivator.

Still, I struggle with the instinct that tells me to go slow and go small.

Help! The fate of my soul hangs in the balance.


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