Monday, June 12, 2006

Monday Morning Update

Dear Friends and Family,

Happy Monday.

A couple of finishing clean up touches in the basement and we are done. Well, done with the things in our control... We hired a contractor to fix the squirrel damage we had last fall. They should be here this week. And, we ordered new carpet for the bedrooms from Lowes. OMG, can it take any longer to get it installed? It's been seriously, months. We had the order for the kitchen counter and the carpeting placed the same day. The kitchen's been done since when I started this blog and the carpet, well. It's a love/hate relationship with these large chain stores. They bring in lower prices, but the service, it's hit and miss, and it's a pain in the neck dealing with them.

Still, it feels good to have gotten so much done. BTW, the sprinkler is going now - watering our shrubs. I'll hand water the ones it doesn't reach later tonight.


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