Thursday, June 08, 2006


Dear Friends and Family,

Sometimes I just don't get it. What is it with men? Their ability to prioritize and to see the big picture... sometimes COMPLETELY missing.

Okay, done with gross generalizations here.

Mr. mouse took three days off this week to work on the mouse house. He orders a dumpster to show up on Monday. He arrives Tuesday night. Wednesday is spent putting together his plan and shopping for shrubs. Uh, okay. Today, he plants all the shrubs he purchased, rents a minivan to buy, you guessed it, more shrubs! Then, we're back at Home Depot tonight, to buy 20 bags of mulch for the shrubs. Now, he's outside, in the dark, mulching his shrubs.

Also, on Wednesday night, he had me out in the dusk, looking at paint chips. And, again today. And, he bought a ladder today... to paint. So, tomorrow, he's going to paint, plant more shrubs AND... get this...

He went to a store today to look at reclaimed bricks. And, he wants to spend a piece of tomorrow taking down and rebuilding a brick wall we have in front of the house.

I get the importance of curb appeal. I get it makes a HUGE difference. I get it. But, deciding to spend a couple of days to learn masonry at this point? You've got to be kidding!

The dumpster, empty, except for an empty bag of potting soil from planting the shrubs.

Looks like it'll be a big push to get everything done this weekend, not the easy coast in I was initially picturing.

Bring on the caffeine!


PS: note: I am sitting comfortably inside while Mr. mouse mulches. No desire to go out there and reinforce this behavior. He's a full grown adult and curb appeal is important. I get that. I just think we're approaching decreasing marginal returns here, boys and girls. BTW, he hasn't stop for lunch or dinner yet, so don't ask me what's fueling the brain cells at this point.

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