Thursday, June 15, 2006

Thursday Reflections

Dear Friends and Family,

It's been a really quiet week at work. I haven't had a lot to do. To be honest, I haven't had anything to do. It's tough keeping yourself motivated when you're in the lull.

On Tuesday, we had our team meeting. Well, my old boss was talking most of the the meeting, and, I can't express how little respect I have left for him. In fact, I don't think I have any respect left for him. Not a single iota.

Afterward, I had a chance to talk to my new boss about everything covered in the meeting, and I have to say, I was really impressed by his ability to manage. I didn't give him a lot of time post-meeting to figure out what he needed to say and I didn't mince words. But, he's got his head on straight.

So, I'm in the quandary, I'm being paid well and working for a good manager. But, I detest my senior management and the lack of consistent work is mind numbing. I need to do something to change the situation. But, I don't know what that something is. In the absence of a plan, I'm focusing on my "Top Three" - house, Weight Watchers, and for the next month weekend travels (i.e. life in general). We'll hit a point when house is done and off the list. And, Weight Watchers will become automatic enough to become part of the background loop instead of the foreground loop. And, we'll be done with travel mid-July. Then, I can reassess.

This weekend I'm off to see Mr. mouse and my darling hair cutter. Next weekend is my sister's graduation. And, the weekend after is the F1 race at Indianapolis Motor Speedway. And, the weekend after is my neighbor's Eagle Scout Court of Honor. It'll be good and relaxing to spend some time participating in life in general. I need the stress relief. But, house will need to be done done before then.


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