Thursday, June 29, 2006

Scatterbrained Mouse

Dear Friends and Family,

I was running late yesterday morning after movie night with a couple of girlfriends and couldn't compose my thoughts into a coherent blog. And, this morning I'm having no such luck either. Need to find center again.

Mr. mouse and I had a fight last night. Ask me what it was about and, for the life of me, I couldn't tell you. I think work stress, house stress, lack of sleep stress, salad for lunch stress and being apart for four years stress might all qualify to be on the list. I think the low estimate by the one realtor shook me more than I realize.

We have two additional realtors coming next week - Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. It delays us a week, but I think getting the number right is worth the delay. Or maybe I'll learn something about real estate values in our neighborhood and we'll end up going with Agent #1 after all.

Another thing I realize after a couple of late nights and early mornings (today's a great example) is that I need my sleep. Now, how to work that into a routine, I don't know. Tonight I'm going out to see my neighbors play in a band and then out for drinks with our other neighbors. So, I've got to do some thinking on how to make that work. There's got to be a road of moderation in there somewhere.

Realization #3 - no salad lunches for mouse. It doesn't give me any real fuel for the rest of the day so in two hours I'm feeling psychotic and neurotic all in one. Take the points and eat a real lunch - everyone around me will thank me for it.

My friend, Fred, and I half-jokingly spoke about both quitting together and traveling the world. I'll be Thelma, he'll be Louise. I think we both need to watch the movie - since neither of us plan to drive off of a cliff in the end. It's more the thought of hitting the open road. We need a better movie analogy. Well, he's got a meeting today with his boss. Things that make you go hmmm...

What else? Not much. Trixie made a yummy dinner Tuesday night. We had roast chicken, polenta and asparagus. And, for dessert fruit bars - frozen bananas or strawberries on a stick. It worked out great, and when all was said and done, I was able to stay "on point" for the evening. Another successful social situation navigated. I love my friends, they're so supportive.

So, I need to go get some work done before I head in this morning. Hence the early start. And, I need to think about how I'm going to re-center myself. No one needs Scatterbrained Mouse, especially me.


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