Tuesday, April 08, 2008

04.08.08: Weekly Weigh In

Dear Friends and Family,

weigh in: 121

Definitely not a step in the right direction. I'm fighting the urge to go running back to flex since it's not like I'm going to love counting again. So, after a couple of deep breaths, I've decided to give core another week. I know I ate too many non-core foods last week. We could have eaten dinner at home on Friday. And, I could have skipped on the cheese and crackers on Saturday. Or, I could have skipped on the pizza on Saturday. And, I definitely could have skipped munching on the croissant and palmier on Sunday (Mr. mouse bought them from a local bakery on Saturday).

What I'm basically saying is I didn't give core a fair shake. So, I'll give it another go this week and see where next Tuesday brings. I have a sneaking suspicion the soy lattes will have to go. I can't get over the mental hurdle - they must be high in points. And, they're breaking the mouse budget. Sigh.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

I say give it a month and see how things go. Takes time to adopt new habits and see how the bod reacts. I think if, emotionally and effort-wise, this is where you'd like to land, give it some time to incorporate into your life and I bet you'll see things working the way they're supposed to. Have faith, sister mouse! xoxoxo