Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Faith Renewed

Dear Friends and Family,

Two different things happened yesterday to give me more faith in the general goodness of people. I've been working with a new person on our team who reminds me of my friend Fred. And, yesterday afternoon, I got the chance to catch up with him and get to know him better on a more personal level. He seems like such a good guy. I like him. I like both him and my manager. It makes a world of a difference - liking the people you work with and work for.

Then, I went out to dinner with my friend. And, she seems to be doing so much better. There's a whole jumbled story about her last month at work that I'm having trouble reconciling. But, on a basic level, she's a friend and I miss her at work.

And, there you go, the relator in me gets faith and energy from those reaffirming ties. Now, if it was only spring already, I'd be a truly happy mouse.


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