Friday, April 11, 2008

Mouse Blues

Dear Friends and Family,

It's Friday and I've got a case of the blues.
  • It's cold and raining.
  • I'm tired and have work to do over the weekend.
  • Mr. mouse told me I have halitosis.
  • We owe more taxes than I would like to.
  • Mr. mouse called me no fun.
  • Sometimes Mr. mouse treats me like I'm stupid.
  • Sometimes I realize it's because I am stupid.
  • Sometimes I think he's just being mean.
And, that's why they call it the blues.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

well hell, you're not stupid. let's separate being stupid from acting stupid and maybe that will give you something to work on? everyone acts stupid sometimes and you know, it's mostly for right and real reasons - stupid happens when your defenses are down, the blues are upon you and people are picking on you. chin up mouse. stupid, too, shall pass. (until next time) ;) xoxoxox