Monday, March 30, 2009

03.30.09: Honeydews and Naps

Dear Friends and Family,

Why, oh why, do the weekends fly?

Friday, Mr. mouse and I both got home at a decent hour. And, we decided to hit the errands hard. We drove out to get refunds on some unused plane tickets, pick up the mail, and get some much discounted underwear at Macy's. Three down, many to go.

Saturday, Mr. mouse woke early to get the car emissions test done only to realize that it wasn't due yet. One more errand to cross off the list. And, instead, after breakfast, we spent the bulk of the morning/early afternoon hanging some cabinets in the basement which we've affectionately renamed "the cave." Another one (to do) bites the dust. Then, I napped while Mr. mouse got to do what he does best - organize and "make things disappear." Last on our to do list for Saturday was an evening wedding shower for one of Mr. mouse's friends. There we met, parents of an 8 month old and parents of a 3 month old. And, there was us in our third trimester, another couple in their second trimester, and a third couple in their first trimester. It kinda blew me away, way too much baby going on at the party.

Sunday, we woke to s-n-o-w, big, thick, heavy-flake, sticky, gooey, snow. We bundled up anyway and headed to our favorite bar for brunch and the season opener to the F1 season. Another to do done. Afterward, we went frame shopping without much success before coming home. I napped again hoping the pinched nerve would go away while Mr. mouse got laundry started and shuffled more pieces around in the cave. Last on our to do list for the evening was dinner with B and Chef M. And, then, Mr. mouse and I climbed into bed in our cozy cave for a blissfully relaxing night's sleep.


1 comment:

Trixie said...

poor mouse. have you considered a chiropractor appointment for that nerve?

also, saw this and thought you might like:
