Monday, January 10, 2011

01.10.11: Back to Work

Dear Friends and Family,

It was a weekend of work intruding on life and I feel like part of it is because there's a lot of work going on, but part of it is because one of my colleagues is not the best decision maker.

I need to find better work-like balance.

On a positive note, the kitchen is still livable. And, I made good progress on a random table of clutter we have in the living room. I was inspired by an article I read. The person in the article went too far. But, I figured I wasn't going far enough.

Still, I got to spend some good time with P. She's got issues we need to work through - she doesn't like sharing, she doesn't like new environments, she doesn't like to be crowded and she doesn't like cats. She's getting only child syndrome.

But, she's adding new words everyday including her own name. And, yesterday, she put two words together to form a phrase. Mr. mouse said he was going upstairs to change so the two of them could go out for bagels. And, while he was upstairs, P went to the bin of clean laundry and pulled out a pair of Mr. mouse's jeans and said Daddy bahjee (her way of saying pants). Wow.

She's begun lining her toys up in a row, feeding her animals, and putting together puzzles. And, she's still walking around on tip toes. It's a fun age.


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