Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesday Morning

Dear Friends and Family,

My small accomplishment for the morning was moving the crayons and the ink pad to P's art supply drawer in our credenza opening up approximately six square inches of space on the table.

It's not a big accomplishment, but it's big psychologically because it means I've hit the bottom of the mountain of stuff on the table.

And, I'm realizing I need help.

I think my recent clutter binges at home (with the table and the kitchen counter) are really me lashing out against what's bothering me and trying to restore order to a life that seems to have devolved into chaos.

Work is stressful. Mr. mouse's mercurial work situation is stressful. Raising a toddler is stressful. Commuting is stressful. Commuting with a toddler is stressful. Contemplating a small business is stressful.

And, all of this stress is leading to bad eating which is leading the me feeling rotten which is, guess what, stressful.

I guess the question is how to reduce the stress. Perhaps, instead of physical clutter control, I need mental clutter control. There's just too much going on and it's stressing me out.

The question is, where do I even begin? How do I begin to chip away at the mountain and make enough progress to hit the bottom of the mountain of stuff on my mental plate?

I think if I had the answer to that question, I could mint money.


1 comment:

Rochelle said...

If you do figure it out- PLEASE share! Since returning to work I feel like I have no control. I just want to quit my job which of course would only cause different stress around my house haha. Hope things ease up in your neck of the woods.