Monday, January 03, 2011

01.03.11: Monday Morning

Dear Friends and Family,

I unplugged for a week and so far I think the pain associated with it will be worth the gain in having time off. Famous last words.

When you last saw me, I had 12 tasks separating me from the holidays. My colleague and I plowed through them. And, were moderately successful in getting through them until a last minute glitch came up in the eleventh hour. We cobbled together a something or other and called it a day. I had a handful of tasks remaining.

Then, while at Mr. mouse's folks' place, I plowed through a bunch of emails and felt like I was really rocking and rolling.

Then, we went to my parents' place for a couple of days. Nothing like spending time with the parents to totally throw me off kilter. Truth be told, it wasn't their fault this time. They do require 110% of your time and attention and energy when you're with them, but I can't fault them on this one.

They want to share P, to let others see her and spend time with her. Well, P has her limits. She's shy and takes time to warm up to people and three new adults is already pushing the limit much less four or five or six new adults. Add to that an eating schedule that's off kilter which then results in a sleeping schedule that's off kilter and I'm not really relaxing and catching up, I'm in full time woman-on-toddler recovery mode.

Add to the already tiring set of events another uncontrollable - the weather. We got snowed in and needed to make alternate plans to come home. So, instead of an empty flight Tuesday morning, we're on the train to nowhere Monday night and Mr. mouse is making lemonade from lemons and we're spending Tuesday on an impromptu sightseeing trip. And, we make it home in time to go to sleep Tuesday evening - feeling like we need recovery time, not like we can hit the ground running on Wednesday.

Which is where the week went. We spent time with P and getting the house put back together and decompressing on Wednesday. And, then it hardly felt worth it to plug in for a day on Thursday. And, before you knew it it was Friday. And, then Saturday. And, then Sunday.

Which is how I find myself Monday morning dreading going back to work. The same handful of tasks remain only now I don't have a week of leisure to work on them. Emails have re-taken over my inbox. And, the cobbled patch is definitely a finger in a dam that I'm afraid to remove.

But, dedicated readers, of which there are few, fear not, I will take a moment to reflect and to try and grow as a person.

Mr. mouse and I had a huge row on New Year's Eve. He gets absorbed in technology. I get absorbed in technology. It's not uncommon for us to spend the evening "together" with both of us tied to our respective screens. It's also not uncommon for us, in our enormously complex world, for one of us to crash while the other works or randomly surfs or tries to get tasks done around the house.

Tuesday night, it was all about trying to get P back into a routine. Wednesday night, Mr. mouse decided he needed to run errands. Thursday night, I don't recall what happened but it was more of the above. But, that brings us New Year's Eve and the last minute charitable donations. I'm done and I want to spend some quality time with Mr. mouse to ring in the new year and he's dithering on that last $25 donation reading the current housing regulations of his dorm and other inanities. And, I blow a gasket and he blows a gasket and kaboom. Huge row.

Which brings me to my goal for the year - to become less absorbed with technology. I'll still spend some time in the morning reflecting, but I'm going to try and make evenings and weekends screen free time.


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