Monday, January 17, 2011

01.17.11: Weekend at Home

Dear Friends and Family,

I think we're at the point when water begins to going from heating up to rolling boil - a few bubbles here and there, but the bubbles are getting bigger and coming more frequently.

This time Mr. mouse and I got into a HUGE fight over a cell phone that neither of us want. He made some comment that it was worth keeping in case one of our phones break.

I think that's just a microcosm of our lives. He'll keep a million and one things just in case. And, it just becomes a mental and emotional drag on my existence leaving me feeling unempowered to do anything in the house. And, then the house festers. And, I fester.

Well, last night I decided to push the point. And, he threw the phone out the front door into the street. And, then we yelled and yelled and yelled. And, now, the phone is sitting in the garbage and I'm feeling mildly better for it being out of the house.

I still think this is about something more than the phone - just waiting for that ah-ha moment when it all becomes obvious.

What'd we do this weekend? Not much of anything. Saturday, P was a nightmare, probably because she was fighting a cold. Sunday, P was a delight, probably because she was feeling much better.

She's picking up words left and right. And, she's using them purposefully. Like, yesterday I offered her a cup of milk and she said no and then pointed and said fridge as in please put the milk in the fridge since I don't want it now and that's the correct place for it.


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