Monday, January 31, 2011

01.31.11: Secret Travels

Dear Friends (and Family),

We snuck home to see friends without telling our family we were in town. Is that evil? We figured we only had a quick weekend and we had just seen them a month ago. And, it's just plain tiring traipsing around with P and getting her into and out of a number of routines. This way, we let her have her Saturday morning. We had a stretch of time Saturday afternoon with friends. We had dinner with one of my close friends. And, then, she had her Sunday morning with us.

And, we had a chance to catch up with friends and enjoy the day. P warmed up to the adults once she had a chance to sit and play. She's still not a fan of other kids. I suppose that comes later.

Sunday night, we had battle royal at the dinner table. P didn't want her rice and beans. She didn't want her cereal. She didn't want her yogurt. But, she got the words chicken and dip out amidst her whines, sobs and grunts. And, lo and behold, she ate a plate of chicken dipped in ketchup.


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