Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Rides Home

Dear Friends and Family,

If I were to switch jobs and P were to switch schools, I would miss our morning and evening routine. I drop her off at school and I pick her up. I could still do those things. But, what I wouldn't have is the daily time in the car.

I turn on her light. I turn on the car. I take off her jacket. I buckle her into her seat. I put her snack by her right leg and her milk in left cup holder. I tuck her blanket around her. And, sometimes she gets one of her plush friends.

Then, we head home. And, now that she's talkative enough, we have fun with it. We sing songs that she requests (Old MacDonald, Wheels on the Bus, Bumblebee, Alphabet Song). We point to trucks and trains and sometimes airplanes. We recite the alphabet and alphabet animals. We count. We play peekaboo. We make sounds and the other person guesses what we're pretending to be.

It's a fun time that's just P and Mommy time. I'll miss that if I were to switch jobs. I don't like bad commutes, but sometimes our rides home feel more like road trips. And, I do like road trips.


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