Thursday, January 20, 2011

Full Circle

Dear Friends and Family,

For all it's crazy times and stress, I enjoy my job. I like my job. And, now, my management team is asking me to switch jobs. And, I'm not sure how I feel about it.

I am on the cusp of seeing some pretty great things happen with my job. And, I am toying with seeing it through to completion and taking a new job elsewhere based upon the accomplishments of my current job.

I'll miss my job if I do. And, I'll need to find new daycare for P if I do.

The other option is to stay and take this new job that my management team is asking me to take and see where it leads. Frankly, I'm not jazzed about this new job. But, I get paid well for what I do and P loves her school.

I think I need a vacation to step away from all of this.


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