Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Kitchen Counter Wars

Dear Friends and Family,

I'm stressed about work so I will focus this morning instead on what is within my control, most of the time.

Last we checked in, I was working on the kitchen counter vowing to win a long waged war against the stuff on the counter. We had a couple of days over the holidays where it got ugly. But, fortunately, it's mostly back to normal.

But, back to work. It's stressful. I enjoy some days of it, but other days I am plain beat. I keep thinking there will be a chance to decompress and get back to normal. But, after each project launches I am off and running against the next project.

But, to be fair, I'm not sure how much of this is work and how much of this is P. I took my current position shortly after I returned from maternity leave. And, life is more stressful. There's the commute. There's the lack of free time. There's the commitment to being good parents. There's the change in every routine that made up our lives.

Well, either way, work kept me up part of last night so today I am tired. And, since the past two days have been hell on wheels, I am dreading today.

At least I don't have any "tough" meetings on deck for today.


PS: Perhaps I need to switch pictures back to frazzled mouse.

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