Monday, February 07, 2011

02.07.11: Frazzled Weekend

Dear Friends and Family,

Well. It wasn't that frazzled. We got a lot done. And, we played with P. The grand experiment of the moment is leaving one of the gates undone to give P access to more of the house. Of course, her first instinct is to explore since the living room was an area of limited availability.

P officially has three more teeth in, just barely, filling in the gaps between her front eight and her read four molars. The bottom left has yet to make an appearance.

Mr. mouse was sick with something awful coughing up some nasty sounding phlegm. Yuck.

And, I was mentally sorting through my old job and my new job and coming to terms with it all. And, beginning to put together the prep list for our quickie trip to the Pacific Rim to see the grandparents.

I spoke with my Mom on Sunday and sometimes I wonder if her English has gotten worse since she's retired - both literally and figuratively. I think the literal part is easy to understand since she probably spends 90% of her time speaking Korean. But, I think figuratively there's a change in mental models as well since she's with other Koreans all of the time she's become "more Korean." We spent a call lost in translation where my Mom kept saying don't try to schedule this = you don't know if you're going to see Grandpa for the last time or if you're going for the funeral. And, I get that. But, I still wanted to let her know when we plan on showing up and leaving, not because we expect her or my grandfather to work their schedule around ours, but just so that she knows when we'll be there. I'm still not sure she got it.

Well, P's up so time to get ready for work.


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