Wednesday, February 16, 2011

You're Free to Fly

Dear Friends and Family,

Hooray for February 15th.

It didn't start out on the best foot with P vomiting in the car in the parking lot of school, but it ended up a more than okay day.

Mr. mouse wrote mid-morning to say that he had gotten promoted at work back to his "old level." And, talking to him at home, he's back to his good-natured self about work. Seems like he's okay with the end result even if he's not really happy with how it all played out.

Which means... IF I end up hating new work, I'm free to leave and consider alternatives. I like that option. Frankly, I can put up with a lot at work. But, I love having the flexibility of walking. I know I always have the flexibility to walk, but I feel a sense of responsibility to us, as a family, to not do anything irrational.

I feel a different bounce in my step.


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