Friday, February 25, 2011


Dear Friends and Family,

It's Friday. And, once I get through a couple of meetings, I can plow through a pile of emails and hopefully head into the weekend.

I've been having a quandary about one of the people who works for me. He's a very conservative person and I wonder what it must be like for him to work for some as liberal as I am.

Sometimes it seems like he has a lot on his plate. There's work. There's applying to graduate school. There's church. There's teaching at church. There's Boy Scouts. There's basketball. There's his baby. There's his wife. And, because life isn't complicated enough, there's his carpool.

And, I know he and his wife both want to move back out West. And, I know he's waiting to hear back from school. And, it's not out of the question that he's contemplating baby #2.

And, I just wonder how he prioritizes and how he makes it all fit (or not fit) into a 24 hour day.

And, that's why I think it's important to have a Top Three. And, that's where I'm sometimes glad to have a simpler life. There's P. There's Mr. mouse. There's work. There's Weight Watchers. There's trying to get the house organized. There's trying to make my feet less disgusting. And, that's about it. And, the last three can be thrown overboard in a heart beat if I need to.

I like that my life is at a point where I can be a simple person.


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