Thursday, February 17, 2011


Dear Friends and Family,

I started off the millenia with four grandparents. And, in April of 2001 I lost my maternal grandfather. And, then my paternal grandmother. And, then my maternal grandmother. And, now, my paternal grandfather.

Which means we're down to three generations of mice - my parents, my siblings and me, and P. It's a funny feeling. Knowing that if we had gotten on a plane and gone to see him, he would have passed away the day we left to see Mr. mouse's grandmother.

I'm hoping against hope that my dad finds resolution in all of this. His relationship with my grandparents was overly complex with a lot of emotional stress compounded by extraneous melodrama built into the very foundation of their relationship.

I'm hoping against hope that my dad gets through the disposition of the estate without additional stress. There's the issue of the house which my dad bought decades ago and my grandparents lived in. And, then there's the little things which my sister and I would probably treasure, but my parents will probably toss.

And, I'm hoping against hope that my dad stays compliant with his medicine through all of this. He's got a chronic breathing problem and when he's not taking his meds his symptoms flare.

And, last but not least, I'm hoping that one day, when P is going through this, her life is simpler because my life was simpler.


1 comment:

Rochelle said...

So sorry. It's so hard when you lose a loved one and there is the added stress of complicated relationships. Just went through that with my mother's passing last year and it is rough.