Monday, June 06, 2011

06.06.11: P's First Dentist Visit

Dear Friends and Family,

We were in Detroit over the weekend visiting friends and oddly enough going to see the dentist. I know. It sounds odd. But, it makes total sense if you think about it from a slightly different perspective.

Mr. mouse and I both have friends in Detroit. We would, with our crazy schedule, love to see those friends regularly, but inevitably, life takes over and the months slip by. But, with a dentist there, we guarantee ourselves two visits a year. See? In our crazy world, this makes perfect sense.

The dentist was a bust. P didn't mind the chair. She loved the glasses. But, she had no intention of actually opening her mouth. Still, when asked, she said she had fun at the dentist office.

The rest of the weekend was a ball for her with one exception I'll get to later. She napped. She played in the pool. She played in the park. She went to the supermarket where they have carts shaped like cars. She ate ice cream. She ate cookies. She played Legos with friends. Excellent times for a two year old.

The exception? We went to a friend's house for dinner Saturday night. And, P was afraid of their dog. And, by afraid, I mean terrified. Wait, that doesn't capture it. TERRIFIED. ABSOLUTELY HORRIFIED. ALMOST VOMITING SCARED. HEART RACING, MOANING NO MOMMY, NO MOMMY, NO DADDY, NO DADDY, TERRIFIED. And, Mr. mouse took the tack of she'll be fine, she'll remember it fondly and get used to it. And, so did his friends, our dinner hosts. Well, I had words for him later that evening. And, our other friends were in violent agreement the next day when we saw them for lunch... they got to witness the whole thing in action since they were over for dinner as well.

And, now, I've decided Mr. mouse is lacking in the judgement department on this one. Or, maybe a kinder way to put it, we just violently disagree on a proper approach. But, I don't care. I'm vetoing subjecting her to that kind of cruelty going forward.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your daughter not wanting to open her mouth for the dentist is exactly what I think will happen when I take my 2 year old daughter to the dentist for the first time. I'm not sure she's going to cooperate. My plan is for her to sit in on her brothers dentist visit to make her more comfortable. I wanted to pass on this Mom's Guide that gives great ideas on how to better care for your kids teeth. I have really enjoyed the tips. I hope you find it helpful as you care for your daughters teeth.