Thursday, June 23, 2011

Top 3 Update

Dear Friends and Family,

Stuck in a boring meeting yesterday, I started thinking about what was on my wish list - in an ideal world list. And, then, I started prioritizing realizing I can't make progress on all of it at once. And, then, I realized I had a Top 3 Update.

Priority 1: Still, P. I'm not going to park her in front of a TV while I do yoga at night. That's just not who I am. So, while she's awake, she's still my number one priority. Now, I have no qualms about parking her in front of Mr. mouse for five minutes while I enter my food on Weight Watchers. Let's just be clear on the difference.

Priority 2: Weight Watchers. I want my long term health odds back and the best way to do that is to get back to my goal weight. I know at some point this will be able to drop off the Top 3 list because I'll hit my goal weight and figure out what maintenance means, but for now, it's got a spot.

Priority 3: The house and continuing on the chore wheel and the 15 minutes of clearing and de-cluttering. At some point, this too will hit maintenance. But, for now, it's something I'm willing to prioritize.

Happy Thursday.


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