Tuesday, November 26, 2013

First Snowfall

Dear Friends and Family,

P did two absolutely adorable things yesterday.

It was our first snow fall where we had some snow stick to the ground. And, the whole walk home from school P was trying to catch a snowflake on her tongue. One fell on her earmuff, one went in her eye, but alas no snowflakes on her tongue. So, I should have been on high alert when she tried to scoop up some snow in front of our house, but I wasn't. For some reason, I thought she had given up on catching a snowflake and wanted to try making a snowball. Well, it's a good thing the snow was clean, because she brought it up to her mouth for a taste. Her smile lit up her entire face. At the moment, I could only laugh. I guess at some point I'll have to tell her not to do that.

P also wanted to shovel snow, but I told her she would have to nap first. So, when she woke up from nap, she convinced Mr. mouse to go out and shovel with her. She shoveled enough snow to make the world's smallest snowman and she named her Roy. I spent more time than I should working on a photo book. I should have been out there with her. But, that's mom guilt speaking. I think she had as much fun shoveling the snow and making the snowman with Mr. mouse. I just missed out on the moment.

Next time, I'll do a better job of prioritizing.


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