Thursday, July 10, 2014

Budget Awareness

Dear Friends and Family,

I learned something yesterday. Tracking spending does make a difference.

Yesterday, we spent a lot of money for a weekday. I took P out to lunch and we stopped for Dairy Queen for a little treat. We bought gas. We picked up dry cleaning. Our housekeeper came over for our weekly visit. Mr. mouse got a haircut. We paid the water bill.

Before we started tracking, I probably wouldn't have thought twice about it. But, since we're tracking, I know today has to be a lighter day. So, I'm taking P to the zoo. We're members so entry is free. I'll pack a picnic lunch. We'll pay for parking and the rest will be free. Mr. mouse has begun packing his lunch which helps as well because we need to save up for Saturday.

Saturday, we've got housecleaning, haircut and passport. And, Sunday, we have groceries and Target. So, we'll probably start next week in the hole, but that's okay, now that we're tracking, we can work to dig ourselves out of the hole. Before, we would have been oblivious and would have kept on spending.


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