Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Dear Friends and Family,

After cornering Mr. mouse, we have a proposed solution for our IT problems.

For now, we will break the iPhoto library into smaller libraries that cover 3-5 years. This will solve the iPhoto too big problem. Then, we will copy all of our data to the cloud. This will solve the environmental redundancy problem. Then we will expand the NAS which will solve the NAS is running out of space problem.

I think.

There's probably 1,000,000 and 1 intermediate steps we'll need to take. But, at least, for now, we have a proposed solution. After trying to do this by myself for a month now, that's a giant step forward.

There's nothing more frustrating than working on something while your spouse is coming up with "issue" after "issue" on why the solution won't work. I'm fine with issues. But, I'm not fine with someone who just identifies issues. They need to be part of the solution.

Well, today, I feel like we finally crossed that bridge.


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