Tuesday, July 08, 2014

Lazy, Hazy Summer Days

Dear Friends and Family,

P and I went to the park yesterday for a picnic. Just the two of us because she wanted time alone. And, wouldn't you know it, some kid at the park became convinced he wanted to play with P. I wasn't sure how to manage it. On the one hand, I think it's important to be inclusive. But, on the other hand, this was a total stranger, not someone she had any ties to in any way, shape or form. I'm still not sure.

At some point, it got too hot to play, so we left the park and came home. We did a science experiment. We worked on our China book. We watched TV. Well, P watched TV, I napped through the show. We created a journal of our experiment. We played a game. We ate dinner. We waited for Mr. mouse to get home.

When Mr. mouse got home, we all went for P's eye exam. She's already a hair myopic in one eye with an astigmatism. I felt crushed. There was a piece of me that was secretly hoping she'd get my eyes, but it seems like she might have gotten Mr. mouse's eyes. Oh well, there's nothing to be done about it.

Today, I've got a phone call to the dentist and a couple of small errands for the day before I go to pick up P. I wonder what we'll do with this afternoon... It'll depend upon the weather, I guess.


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