Thursday, July 17, 2014

Lazy Summer Days

Dear Friends and Family,

Yesterday, P and I went to the park for a play date with a friend P met at camp.

We had a picnic lunch in the shade surrounded by the smell of wonderful flowers. Then, we played in the park. Or rather P and her friend played while the friend's mom and I did our best to let the two of them play. I love playing with P. But, I also don't see the point of a play date if she's not playing with her friend.

I feel like she's growing up so quickly. Sometimes I miss being the center of her universe, but I guess it's just a normal part of growing up. Now, she's more interested in directing the play and less interested in my suggestions. I suppose I should take what I can get, since in a few years she may not even be interested in directing the play.

We've got another play date today. This one is with her school so P will be able to see her classmates from school. She hasn't seen some of them since summer vacation started so this will be good.

Tomorrow, we probably have one more play date before the weekend begins. One of P's classmates invited us over. And, P wants to go. So, we'll probably skip the free concert in the park and head to their house. It'll be fun, but by Saturday, I'll be play dated out and glad for a day alone.

The other thing on my plate? The cloud transfer. It's not going well at all. It needs to be done from my computer. And, it's got my computer bogged to a stand still. Sigh.


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