I'm drawing a blank this morning on what to write about and I realized, it's Tuesday! I can write about food today. It's good to have that cushion to fall back on since not a lot new happened yesterday.
I've been trying to add new foods to my portfolio of options, not because I feel the need for variety, but because Mr. mouse can get cabin fever eating from the tried-and-true options that have become heavy hitters in the mouse meal rotation. Plus, now that I'm as far along as I am in the food journey, I'm less panicky about losing control. It's unlikely I'm going to wake up and find myself fifty pounds heavier in a day. It'll happen a pound or two at a time if it does at all and I've got the confidence I can self-correct if a new food or meal option isn't working for me.
This weekend, I tried a modified English breakfast for four Weight Watchers points.
- 1 pt 2 slices Oscar Mayer Center Cut Bacon
- 1 pt 3 egg whites
- 1 pt 1/2 cup Heinz baked beans (UK version)
- 1 pt 1 slice toasted wheat bread
- 0 pt 3 oz grilled grape tomatoes

Then, I came across center cut bacon. It's honest to goodness bacon - pork meat, artificial curing agents and all. And, it's 1 point for 2 slices. As an added bonus, it's not a sodium killer - 9% RDA in a single serving. That's an experiment I'm willing to try. The slices come out smaller and leaner than regular bacon but just as good which is the important thing.
I also play a funny trick with myself with the egg whites. I'm a big believer in dishes being inspiring to look at as well as to eat. And, there's nothing more blah than bad plating or plating that looks like diet food or rabbit food. Three egg whites on a platter = blah. So, I cook three egg whites with two egg yolks. The eye, or at least my eye, is fooled into thinking it looks right. Then, I don't eat the egg yolks.
Don't ask. It works for me so I figured I would offer it up.
1 comment:
mouse mouse! sorry i've been a bad reader - but I wanted to say congratulations on your BIG milestone. i'm so proud of you!! can't wait to see you guys this weekend!! xoxox
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