Thursday, June 16, 2011

Long Commutes

Dear Friends and Family,

Another day, another killer commute.

Weather in the morning, accident in the afternoon. Yes, I love my job. Well, no, actually, I do not love my job. Mr. mouse loves the daycare that comes with my job. It is not free, but it is subsidized. They allow us to bring in P's food. And, they have a GIANT outdoor facility that she gets to play in twice a day, weather permitting.

So, until I either break under the pressure or P goes to school or I get fired or Mr. mouse begins to appreciate something other than this playground, P and I will continue to drive a tortuous route every morning and every afternoon.

BTW, I read an article. Longer commutes are directly correlated with increased obesity, divorce, neck pain, stress, worry, and sleeplessness. Small price to pay for this playground, wouldn't you say?

Oh, and the forecast for the next five days? Rain. Yes, a week of killer commutes.


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