Friday, October 07, 2011

Apples, Apples Everywhere

Dear Friends and Family,

Our kitchen island is back out of control. What's on it? And how do I tame it again?
  1. P's lunch box: should be on a cart
  2. granola bars and cookies: should be in the cabinet
  3. pasta: should be in the cabinet, did we lose track while putting groceries away last week?!?!
  4. old cookie: should be tossed
  5. P's papers: should go in the pile of P's papers
  6. P's art work: should get labeled and put away
  7. old bagel: should be tossed
  8. plastic bag: huh?!?!
  9. black cable: WTF?!?!
  10. peanut brittle: should be consumed, there's one piece left
  11. nougat: should be tossed
  12. bills: should be paid and filed
  13. 18 or so apples
Apples. This is what gets you in trouble. No home. And, they look so pretty when the island is bare and you first put them on the island. But, then, those sneaky little things give out permission slips and waivers for all sorts of other things to hang out on the island, and before you know it, chaos has consumed the place.

What to do? Can't let things linger. They need to have a home. Then, they can't go and give out a bunch of permission slips.


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