Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Less Obvious Option

Dear Friends and Family,

I've decided to concede defeat. I am willing to invest $50 a week in help. $50?!?!

I know, it sounds profligate. But, $217 a month (on average) is a small price to pay for my sanity. I cancelled our never used gym memberships. That's $130 a month right there. Then, $20 a week doesn't sound like it's too much to pay for a little more peace.

One option would be for the person to help on the never-ending war. Namely, places like the kitchen island that never seem to be done, or when they get done, I turn around and they get undone on me.

Or, I can get them started on things that once they're done, they stay more-or-less done. An example would be our gate... P's outgrown her gate, but we have it up still... there were thoughts that we might need it again (no, not for a second child, for when friends with toddlers visit) and then there were thoughts that we can sell it either to a friend or on Craigslist and then we just got lazy and it's sitting there. That's something once it's taken care of it's taken care of for good.

I think I'll continue to fight the good fight on the kitchen island front and have my helper take on the one-and-one things.

Now, I just need to find time to find a helper. Add that to the list under whenever or yeah, right. Still, it's nice to imagine the possibility.


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