Monday, March 18, 2013

03.18.13: Recovering

Dear Friends and Family,

I spent almost the entire weekend sleeping getting over a cold I've had since sometime Tuesday. Sunday was the first night I read to P since almost a week ago. Mr. mouse has been a trooper about being a solo parent while I slept, tried to sleep, and tried to get better.

Saturday, we went to the symphony. P enjoyed it enough that she was eager to go to the third show in the series so I bought tickets for it.

Sunday, we went to bar for the opening race of the 2013 F1 season. P got a giant cotton candy and was happy to see her favorite driver come in 9th. I love her.

And, that's about all I remember from the weekend. Oh, we had friends over for dinner Saturday night. P's room is a little more manageable. The crib is officially out of the house. It wasn't as sad as I thought it would be.


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