Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Another Breakfast Ritual Gone

Dear Friends and Family,

Last night, we drove by the diner we always go to on Saturday morning, and it was closed. P was very sad.

The last time we were there was a couple of weeks ago, when we spent extra time drawing before going sheet shopping for the big girl bed. I'm glad we spent the extra time there.

I've got lots of fond memories. When P was first learning to talk, she'd call out every morning on the way to school, ham, pancakes, syrup, gamja, when she saw the diner. That's her favorite meal there.

We discovered P's love of ham there when I ordered an Eggs Benedict once and she ate all of the ham from the dish. She discovered waffle fries just a couple of trips ago when I ordered them and she liked them.

And, now, the restaurant is empty and all we have left are a bunch of pictures and our memories. When we drove by last night, the sign was down and all the furniture was gone. P was crushed.

We'll have to think of a new breakfast routine for the Saturday mornings when the cleaners are in the house.


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