Tuesday, January 28, 2014

And We Stayed In

Dear Friends and Family,

I gave P the option of going out and she declined, opting to stay home and enjoy the day with moms.

  1. woke up
  2. got dressed
  3. ate breakfast
  4. brushed teeth with new toothbrush
  5. put away laundry
  6. started our science experiment
  7. ate lunch
  8. cleared a bookcase for P
  9. finished our sheets
  10. played a game of LIFE
  11. napped
  12. ate dinner
  13. made cookie dough
It was a fun day. My only twinge of guilt is I fell asleep before P during nap. I'm not sure if she was bored or lonely or sad or just quiet in that period before she fell asleep.

In the grand scheme of things, it's a minor thing. I just hope she enjoyed the day as much as I did.


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