Friday, January 31, 2014


Dear Friends and Family,

It's Friday! Oh, I'm so glad!

Lots of random things that need to get done today, but there's no beating Friday. I have my list highlighted. And, I've got my fingers crossed that I get through it.

I'm also excited because P and I are starting what is hopefully a new tradition going forward. We're going to cook dinner together tonight. We'll come home after school and plan the menu. Then, we'll go shopping. And, after a little bit of play time, we're going to cook dinner. I'm curious what she comes up with for the menu.

This all started when P asked why I only "cook" using the microwave and the toaster oven. And, it's true, I tend to heat up leftovers rather than cook a new meal because our fridge is usually full of leftovers. But, I want her to learn to cook, on a stove, with fresh ingredients. So, tonight we'll make dinner together.


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