One day back and work is already driving me crazy.
Our team is dysfunctional (understatement of the millennium) and it's tough to stay motivated when you don't have a lot of faith in the work being done. Also, I get a lot of my energy from being around people that are high energy and motivated and inclusive and that's not our team...
Sigh, I guess they call it work for a reason. If it was all fun and games they'd call it play and we wouldn't get paid for the jobs we do. Somehow, I don't think it's quite so simple. In my Dorothy-like naivete, I believe work should be something you enjoy. It should be something you're passionate about. I think it's time for a change.
I had "coffee" yesterday with a close girlfriend. She's so rock solid stable. I'm glad I have her as a friend. She helps me remember, I'm not dysfunctional. I am a very capable professional. I need to get myself out of a bad situation and not internalize it all. Then, I had wine with Trixie and got a chance to remember, it's not all in my control, but I need to be proactive about what is in my control. Two great friends to help with the two totally different sides of me - the logical and the emotional. I needed both yesterday.
On to food...

In reading the Weight Watchers boards, there are a lot of posts about foods other people rant and rave about. Fiber One comes up ALL the time. 1/2 cup, 0 Weight Watchers points. Most of the time I ignore most of the food recommendations. Sugar free, fat free fake food isn't what I want to be filling my day with. Real food with real substance, please. A healthy lifestyle, not just lower body mass, please.
Still, I was always intrigued. And, when I had some time in Kauai, in the supermarket, I picked up a box to see what all the fuss is about. Just to clarify, I picked up a box to read the box. I put it back on the shelf (i.e. did not purchase it). Cereal is insanely expensive in Hawaii. They must import it individually, by the flake. So, I had the chance to read the box while Mr. mouse was checking out the poke.
Granted, Fiber One's got aspartame in it, which always raises a fake food flag. But, it has an unbelievable 14 grams of fiber in a single serving. Keep in mind, Raisin Bran is the yard stick I use and it has "only" eight grams per serving and it's 2 points for a serving. 57% of your daily fiber in a single 0 point serving is enough to pique my curiosity. So, when we got home, I purchased a box.
I tried it in my yogurt yesterday morning. And, have to confess, I like almonds more. But, it wasn't bad. It was okay. It filled me up and added crunch to my yogurt and both of those are the criteria I was looking for. So, why switch if the yogurt-almond thing is working for me? Well, in four pounds, I will need to drop 2 points from my daily intake. So, I need to look at different ways to make this work. This is a very viable alternative. I've got the whole box so I'll see if it's a food choice I adopt or if it becomes like Raisin Bran, a pantry hog that needs to be tossed. (The Raisin Bran is great, but after having a bowl of it with milk for 4 points, I'm still starving, so it's not a workable solution for me.)
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